Saturday 28 January 2012

Colin Jackson on the best gadgets for runners

Puma pulse watch

You should always be aware of your pace when you?re running and to do that you need a good watch. This one is great because it keeps track of your pace for you. You can set it to a seven-minute mile, for example, and it will stop beeping if you drop below or rise above that pace. It also comes with a wireless ECG armband so you can keep checking your heart rate on your watch as you run. (�55,

Nike+iPod Sports Kit

If you?re running to lose weight, then this is the gadget for you. It?s a little transmitter that slips inside your shoe, which tells a receiver you?re carrying how many calories you?re burning. Your receiver can be a Nike+ SportWatch or SportBand but the best is probably an iPod touch or iPhone because they automatically send your results to a website so you can keep track of your progress. (�20,

The Stick

This is a long stick that you roll over your legs after running. It helps to move the lactic acid that?s built up during your run, which then helps your muscles recover quicker. Use it as soon as you can after you finish your run and I guarantee you will feel so much better. (From �27,

Colin is an ambassador for Laureus, which promotes the use of sport as a tool for change and celebrates sporting excellence. See for more details

He was talking to Lily Middlemass

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