Friday 27 January 2012

Daniel Radcliffe: critics want me to fail

Radcliffe, 22, stars in the new Hammer horror, an adaptation of The Woman In Black, which premieres tonight. He has also signed up to play Beat poet Allen Ginsberg in Kill Your Darlings, which starts shooting in March.

Before filming starts, the actor is planning a three-week break - his first proper holiday in four years.

?I?ve never taken a break. I?ve worked since I was ten pretty much every day,? he told The Sun.

?Somebody said to me the other day - which I find is a ridiculous question - they asked about the money and the wealth thing and said, ?Why are you still working??

?I was like, ?I don?t know how to do anything else?. This is all I?ve done and I love it. And I don?t want to swap it for anything.

?This sounds like quite a sad thing to say but I don?t think it is: the happiest I ever am really is on a film set. I absolutely love being there. They?re wonderful places. So I just want to keep working for as long as possible.?

Radcliffe is dating Rosie Coker, a production assistant. They met on the set of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and the actor said she was supportive of his career.

?She?s like the nice half of my brain - the part of my brain that doesn?t dislike me - that?s her. She encourages me, which is nice,? he said.

Radcliffe?s busy schedule shooting the eight Potter films means that he never found the time to take driving lessons - something he is keen to remedy.

He said: ?That?s one thing that I need to do when I get a little time off because I?m going to have to drive in a film at some point. I can?t do period films for the rest of my life and just be in horse and carts the whole time.?


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