Wednesday 25 January 2012

Oscar nominations 2012: Meryl Streep is favourite to win

Williams Hills Oscar odds are:

Best Actress: 1/3 Meryl Streep (The Iron Lady), 3/1 Michelle Williams (My Week With Marilyn), 7/2 Viola Davis (The Help), 20/1 Glenn Close (Albert Nobbs), 25/1 Rooney Mara (The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo)

Best Actor: 1/3 George Clooney (The Descendents), 2/1 Jean Dujardin (The Artist), 10/1 Brad Pitt (Moneyball), 25/1 Gary Oldman (Tinker Tailor Soilder Spy), 25/1 Demian Bichir (In A Better Life)

Best Film: 1/4 The Artist, 4/1 The Descendents, 12/1 War Horse, 12/1 Hugo, 25/1 Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, 33/1 Moneyball, 33/1 The Help, 33/1 Midnight In Paris, 33/1 Tree Of Life

Best Director: 4/7 Michel Hazanavicius (The Artist), 2/1 Martin Scorsese (Hugo), 5/1 Alexander Payne, (The Descendants), 14/1 Terrance Malik (The Tree Of Life), 14/1 Woody Allen (Midnight In Paris)

First Animal to win an Oscar: 2/1 Dog; 4/1 Monkey; 5/1 Horse; 6/1 Whale/Dolphin; 8/1 Cat; 10/1 Fish; 16/1 Sheep; 20/1 Pig

OscarsThe 84th Academy Awards take place on Sunday 26 February at the Kodak Theatre, Hollywood. They will be presented by actor and comedian Billy Crystal. See the Telegraph's Oscar page for full information.


Mama Cass Elliot Elvira Werner Erhard Dale Evans Chad Everett

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