Thursday 29 September 2011

Frankly, the British weather's hot enough for a Hawaiian

Wondering where, exactly, you should do this? On the nearest available green space. You may find it crammed with people lying among picnic paraphernalia and diseased pigeons. Don?t worry, that?s just what we do!

Remember: this might be the last time you see sunlight for six months. You must make the most of it. Decide that a game of rounders is in order, despite the fact that you haven?t played it since you were eight years old. Pull a muscle while making a break for the first base. Moan some more about the heat. Experience a profound sense of relief that it will be snowing in two weeks. Return promptly to Hawaii.


There was a time when British pop stars travelled to the States to film their music videos ? something set in Brooklyn or south central Los Angeles would certainly make them look edgy. After the riots, the traffic has reversed and outsiders are queueing up to gain British street cred. To wit: Rihanna, causing a fuss by stripping off during a video shoot in a field in Northern Ireland. Later, she rocked up in Belfast to continue filming on a housing estate.

Her colleague Britney Spears recently arrived in Hackney to film the video for her single Criminal. She posed with a replica gun at Stoke Newington Town Hall. As a resident of Clapham Junction, I eagerly await the arrival of Lady Gaga, who could perhaps do a video shoot in which she pretends to set fire to a fancy dress shop, before rampaging through Debenhams.


Happy birthday Songs of Praise, which turns 50 this week. Not everyone was a fan when it was launched, the Archbishop of York describing it as broadcasting ?for the gormless masses?. One shudders to think what he would have made of today?s television. Indeed, this makes me slightly nervous about what broadcasting will look like in yet another 50 years. At this rate, The Only Way is Essex and The X Factor are going to look positively highbrow.


Doris Day Sandra Dee John Denver Bo Derek Danny DeVito

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